So, here we are, already halfway through 2017. Time is just flying past us.

Here’s what I’m doing differently this year.

New Habit: Everyday, I consume content.

Everyday I will either read 5 blog articles, or listen to one full podcast. This can be industry related information. Content about relationships. Content about food. Even something completely outside of my normal interests. The point is to expand my thinking.

New Habit: Everyday, I post a video blog

Everyday but weekends that is.

A few years ago I did something called the 30-day video project. This is the next level of that project.

On occasion, I’ll be inspired by what I’ve consumed and talk about that. Other times, I’ll talk about something related to my work at True Voice Media. Sometimes I’ll talk about love and relationships. Sometimes I’ll just post something funny. But everyday, I plan to post a video blog.

New Objective: Write the book

Every Saturday until it’s done, I have 3-6 hours set aside purely for writing. Don’t interrupt me.

New Habit: Wake up early, go to bed earlier

This one may take some time, but my goal is to start going to bed earlier and waking up earlier. I’m not a morning person by nature but I know that I am fine if I wake up before the sun comes up. Early mornings and late nights share similar properties: no emails, no phone calls, no distractions.

Back up plan: Stay up later, wake up later

Well, you gotta have a back up plan I guess.

There’s plenty more, I’m doing, but this is a taste of some small changes I’m trying to make.

What about you? BTW, if you don’t comment on this post about what you’re going to do differently then nothing will change and three angels will never get their wings.

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