Twitter is a channel to market.  It’s also a place to socialize and get celebrity news and blah blah blah.  For those of us who utilize social media as marketers have to walk a fine line.  Many of the rules of engagement are unique from existing channels.  More authenticity is required.  You can’t just push your message out and not engage.
Twitter IS a PUSH system.  The question today is does it make sense to push content more than once as information can get lost in a stream of 1000’s of tweets.  If you think of any marketing on television or the radio, the best ones (ie the most effective ones) often get stuck in your head.  They often get stuck in your head because you’ve heard them numerous times.  For isntance, tell me honestly you haven’t ever sung the song from the McDonalds commercial “Give me back that fillet of fish….”  Commercials that play once rarely stick, so shouldn’t the same be true for tweets or other posted content?

I’ve recently started actively following Chris Voss of the Chris Voss Show.  I really enjoy the content that he puts together and he is very upfront that he is a business person first and foremost.  His style is upfront, and honest and quite frankly edgy…he doesn’t mince words.  Chris has talked a lot about various social media practices in the frame of effectiveness rather than dogma and hype.  For instance, he had one post called: “Cut the Crap! We’re All Promoting and Selling.”

One thing that I’ve noticed that Chris does, that I hadn’t really considered doing before, is he reposts his content frequently.  It seems as though he’s always tweeting and every 20 posts or so he reposts one of his blog posts.  I only really notice this because I’ve been actively following him, otherwise I think I’d see it and assume it’s new content.

What’s interesting is that I don’t think many people in Social Media repost their content quite as much.  I’m not making any judgements about whether it’s the right or wrong thing to do.  However, in the frame of what is effective, I have to say that it is a very effective strategy.  I can honestly say that I’ve seen more of Chris’ content because he has reposted older blog (vlog) posts and I happen to catch it…even if it’s the 4th time around it’s been posted.

I think the hesitancy of some people to not repost content stems from the fear of seeming spammy or inauthentic because social media is supposed to be, SOCIAL. To that point, in the case of someone like Chris Voss, I’ve sent him several @messages and he has replied every single time.  Additionally it’s not like every post is a repost.  I think it’s a balancing act.  You might not be all that effective if you just autopost your blog content constantly, but I think there is something to be said for the tried and true technique of repetition in marketing.
What do you think about reposting content to increase it’s stickiness?
UPDATE: I found a post by Chris Voss about this very topic, be sure to check it out: Why consistent and Repeat Advertising Pays Off

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