Recently, I learned something entirely new and I’m amazed. No seriously, amazed!

I’ve been working in Social Media professionally, arguably, since its inception. During that time, I’ve watched, not only the large successes and failures of other companies but also the seemingly small wins and losses. I’ve honed my craft,diligently studied the world’s top strategists in business and marketing, and labored over presentations and workshops designed to deliver true business value.

I’ve worked with small and medium-sized business. I’ve worked with multi-billion dollar companies. We’ve designed strategies that painstakingly consider every small detail, and found ways to do more with less in order to build a solid social foundation for the long term. We’ve considered company cultures and maneuvered around the challenges standing in the way of adoption to new ways of working. We’ve reviewed hundreds of technology platforms, identified strengths and weaknesses, and made recommendations that work for the client’s budget.

But all that changes today…

All of that work appears to have been wasted because it is actually surprisingly easy to generate awareness, leads, and sell all the products and services you want.

I’ve discovered the silver bullet. Would you like to know what it is?

“All you have to do is say it, and believe it”

I couldn’t believe it at first either. It sounded like new age mumbo jumbo. But when enough people tell you it’s true, it must be true, right?

In this business of Social Media, you will undoubtedly speak to prospects, clients, friends, and sometimes even competitors, that will speak with complete confidence that the solution is really quite simple: “we’ll just put it out there, and it will go viral.”

“Let’s do a contest and have people take selfies. All of the millennials will love it. We’ll select 5 winners from the first 20,000 entries”

“We’ll make a viral video and once we hit 12 million users, we’ll sell it to Facebook.”

“Let’s just reach out to influencers and have them promote it for us. Let’s get Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, and Beyoncé. Actually on second thought, let’s skip Taylor Swift, we’ll come back to her later if we really need her.”

You see! It’s just THAT easy. This social media thing is NOT hard. Just say what you want to do and it will happen. And don’t forget, because Social Media is free, this is all profit.

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