It’s too easy to publish.

From my phone…

I can post ideas, reviews, opinions (both positive and negative)

I can post pictures.

I can post video.

I can livestream video of what’s happening right now.

It’s almost too easy.

On the one hand these are wonderful technologies that democratize content.

On the other hand, our lives hang in the balance as one bad decision, joke taken the wrong way, comments taken out of context, or video of our worst moments can live on forever. 

No one is perfect, and the web will never let us forget that, and it will not stop the mobs of people living in glass houses from throwing stones.

Be careful with your web presence, people.

Today’s assignment: go back through the last 3 months of tweets, Facebook posts, or status updates and read it out of context.  Do a risk assessment.  Delete anything questionable.

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