I know it’s easy to look at the world and see all the things that are wrong. It’s not hard to see the wars, the famine, the drought, the natural disasters and the political divide. I think what often goes overlooked is the crossroads.

We sit at an extraordinary point in time. People have greater access to information than ever before. People can communicate like they never could before. The Internet and all of the social tools create possibilities to fix these problems.

The cynic dismisses this idea but if it’s ever been possible, it’s now. When in history could scientists in Germany and the USA collaborate in real-time? When was it possible to stream HD video from Japan to Sweden? If you can quiet the cynic, you should be able to see the BIG picture. You’ll see how this technology is changing the world.

I am lucky enough to work with these tools everyday, but my work pales in comparison to the big picture.

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