Here’s the idea, currently it requires a jailbreak to function “properly” but once multi-tasking is an option you can do this without a jailbreak.
Here’s the plan.
Get a Verizon Mi-Fi Device, Wireless 3G Hotspot – $50 with 2 year contract / $269 retail
5GB/month data plan – $59.99 / month
Skype Account – FREE
-Skype Unlimited US Subscription Plan ($2.99 / month)
-Skype Online Number ($36 / year, reduced to $18 with a subscription)
Total cost: $112/month + $368 – $618 up front.
The only thing left to do is jailbreak so you can run Skype in the background…Once you’ve done this, throw it in Airplane mode and turn on the Wi-Fi. Keep Skype on all the time to make and receive calls. You probably won’t drop as many either! You can’t make emergency calls so don’t get into any unforeseen trouble.
Make Skype calls over Wi-Fi through your Verizon Mi-Fi. I haven’t tried this so who the hell knows if it would even work and 5GB might not be enough data to make all your calls but whatever… that’s how you can have a Verizon iPhone.