We hear it all the time: “no one makes anything anymore in this country.”

We have become a disturbingly lazy in our marketing.

Buying the easy way out

It seems to me that the most successful people put serious work into achieving their goals, but in my experience, there are no shortage of offers for shortcuts.

We buy get rich quick ebooks.

We buy new trendy diets to get thin quickly.

We buy ads because they are available and a quick way to get in front of people, to create impressions.

We buy email lists because it’s easier than earning permission.

Do the work

There is no greater bang for your buck than earning your goals.

The biggest issue with all of this paid placement, either ads or lists, is that it degrades everything it touches.

When people buy lists, it makes email marketing cheap–and I don’t mean low cost, I mean that it loses what makes good email marketing work: permission.

When people buy ads on social media sites in place of putting themselves out there to engage with people, expend money instead of emotional energy, it degrades the experience for everyone.

The stories we will hear about years from now are experiences that we gave permission to happen, not the ones that forced themselves in front of us.

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