There comes a point in everyone’s life where you realize that there’s only so much one human being can do… successfully.

When you have so many ideas and different things that you want to do it can be challenging to say no. One of the most difficult things is knowing where to focus and having the discipline to stay the course.

At the end of every year into the beginning of the next, I take some time to step away from the day to day, and think. I look back on the previous year, and strategize my next. It’s during this time where I routinely come to the realization that I can’t possibly do 25 different things and expect to do them all well.

So, I’ll make this quick… here’s the update on what I’ll be working on. If any of these sound interesting or valuable to you and you’d like to know more, please contact me, add comment to this post (or reply to this email if you’re getting this by email).

First: The Agency

After and outside of my marriage and health, my primary focus will be on the growth and success of my agency, From The Future.

This includes working with our client strategy team, helping to strategize, organize and execute our marketing strategy, and constantly grow our team’s skills and capabilities. I see our agency as a testing ground to build extraordinary leaders and deliver world class marketing services.

If you need World Class SEO, Social Advertising, or User Experience focused web design, please contact us.

Next: Speaking, Leadership, and Building My Community

The parts of my career that exist outside of the agency will be focused heavily on expanding my work as a professional keynote speakers, finishing my leadership book, and creating meaningful content.

I didn’t produce much content in 2018 and I also took a HUGE step back from speaking. Beyond all of that, I did something even more detrimental, I ignored and abandoned my community. Readership of my blog plummeted, Shareable downloads cut in half, and the inbound inquiries I took for granted, dried up. I kept worrying about building the HUGE audience that I neglected to tend to the incredible audience I had. I will not make this mistake again.

All of this happened because I didn’t make these activities a priority. Here’s what 2019 is about…


My speaking career has been largely defined by social media topics. I’ve covered all of the business topics in social: policy, customer service, advertising, recruiting, etc. While I obviously still think social media is important, my primary focus has drilled down to aspects that sit underneath social media: company culture and leadership.

This year, I’ll be introducing an all-new talk and updating one of my favorite talks.

By Q2, I plan to have a fully formed, tested and rehearsed talk based on my book the Lovable Leader. The working title is The Lovable Leader: A Bold, New Leadership Paradigm.

On top of that, I’ll be further expanding on the 60-minute Social Media MBA.

My Blog

Whew, I have really neglected this blog over the last year. Sorry Wanda!

I’ll be returning to this blog this year with content focused exclusively on two topics: digital marketing and leadership.

If you haven’t subscribed yet, please consider doing so now. 

For everything else, I’ll be writing on


The first season of Shareable was among the most amazing content projects I’ve ever personally been involved with. It had something special and we have the download numbers to prove that. Season 2 went extremely well too!

Then…the merger. Once my company was acquired last December, the show hit a rough patch and we haven’t (yet) fully recovered.

This year, we’re seeking to do a minimum of 52 episodes. I’ve already lined up a 15 incredible guests, and we’re not slowing down. In addition to our incredible guests, I’m going to start introducing new solo episodes into the mix.

Please consider subscribing on iTunes.

Passive Participation: Dating Coach

In 2015, I started HitchPhilly, an online dating consultancy. I haven’t done much with it. While I can provide tremendously valuable insights to people seeking to have better dates and find better partners, even to the point where I now have two proposals, and 2 long term relationships under my belt.

That said, I’ve found that few people are willing to invest in this area of their lives. While I truly find that fact strange, it is a good reason for me to concern myself less with this side project. But, if the work comes along, I’ll take it. Looking for love? I’m damn good at this.


No matter how hard I tried to find the time or figure out how to make the Variety Show fit, it just kept falling to the bottom of the list. So, I scrapped it.

Can you help?

I’m looking for paid speaking opportunities and interesting guests for Shareable. If you know of any, please send them my way. Outside of that, how can I help you?

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