I spend a great deal of time thinking about my clients and their problems.

I spend a great deal of time thinking about obligations and responsibilities.

I read a ton of blogs and listen to podcasts about my industry, all so that I can be better at what I do and deliver more value to my clients.

I don’t tend to spend a lot of time thinking about what I–personally–need.

This only occurs to me as I think about the last time I sat down for some quiet time of meditation and introspection.

I stopped to think about exercise and how little of it I do, having sunk into a sedentary lifestyle brought about by a businesses fueled by the internet.

This is one of the reasons why I blog on this blog..because it signals to my brain that it’s time to stop and write something for ME.  When I write on this blog it’s an opportunity for me to take notes on myself, my career and my personal life and the places where they intersect.  It’s this blog, these moments that I take, the conversations that I have with my mentor, that are especially for me to think about me in a broader context than as a President & Chief Strategist of a company, but rather a President & Chief Strategist of my own life.  Everyone always wants to ask others, either aloud or in their head: what have you done for me lately?

How often do we stop to ask ourselves, either aloud or in our heads: what have I done for ME lately?

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