Sometimes I wonder: what do our clients value? I think I know the answer but sometimes I wonder.

Does my client care more about our time or the outcome?

Does my client care more about the way we think or the way we follow orders?

Does my client care about the relationship with me, how I interact with them or do they just care that they found someone to do it in their price range?

Here’s what I think:

  • I think our client wants a certain outcome. I don’t think they care how much time it takes us.
  • I think that our clients want us to be honest even if it means disagreeing with them. They didn’t hire us to follow orders, they hired us to give them the right advice.
  • I think our clients value the way that we interact with them; our ability to listen to their individual goals and their challenges and create something unique for them. They appreciate our ability to take complex topics and make it into a simple process.

But it’s more than what I think our clients value, because I’ve made it part of our prospecting process to ensure that these are the people we work with.

  • I never want myself, or my team, to be focused on how many minutes something takes to do.  The right client would never care about that.
  • I never want myself or my team, to stop thinking critically and offering honest advice in favor of following orders. The right client would never want us to do that.
  • I never want to compete on price. The right client would see past the price, and instead see the value.

What do your clients value?  Put it in the comments.  And if you don’t know, maybe it’s time to start thinking about that.

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