It’s become abundantly clear that the pathway to success is brought on by the way we think about and perceive ourselves, our actions and our future.  Throughout my life this “secret” has been revealed over-and-over.

There are those out there who question these theories.  Many who balk at movies and books like The Secret and What the Bleep do we Know. Many dismiss positive thinking and the law of attraction as new age feel good BS, yet they attend their own houses of worship on the weekends in search of truth and a guiding light.

I don’t question anyone’s religion because none of them make sense to me.  But what has made sense to me is that focusing my thoughts on success, on achieving my  goals, and on being generous has thus far proven to be an excellent strategy and one that leaves me feeling fulfilled in my life.

Reality is a matter of perception.  Two individuals can look at the same thing and see it differently.  I choose over-and-over to see the good in people, the opportunity in business and the love in relationships…sometimes I get burned, but not nearly as much as if my mind was set on finding fire.  Inevitably, you will get what you want in life, you just need to choose what that is and set your mind to it.

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