Very few things have impacted our society as much as the internet.

The first iteration of the web featured a quasi-one way flow of information.  You could publish, but it wasn’t easy unless you knew HTML.  With the first version of the web we saw the flashes of disruption but it wasn’t until the web 2.0 movement that we began to see the true power of this technology.  Once the flow of information transformed from monologue to dialogue, the world changed along with it.

Consider how much has changed as a result of the web and self publishing:

  • Wikipedia has all but eliminated the need for a paid encyclopedia series; and it takes up far less room in your home.
  • Twitter and RSS give us the news WE want, instantly, and without the need to continue on page B9 while the newspaper is incomplete, delayed and cumbersome to operate.
  • Bloggers are giving traditional journalists a run for their money by taking on the big story without worrying about the corporate interests of their advertisers.
  • Podcasters can offer audio or video programming for free, sell their own advertising and bypass traditional Television and Radio outlets.
  • Highly targeted self service advertising platforms on Google and Facebook are giving companies precision in reaching the right audience at a fraction of the cost of traditional outlets and returning volumes more relevant data.
  • BitTorrent technology and other P2P file sharing programs have disrupted the television, movie and music industries, that have been slow to adapt to an increasingly digital customer base.
  • Musicians can now sell directly to customers and promote themselves, bypassing the studio entirely and reaping a larger share of the profits.
  • Artists can showcase their work online and sell directly to interested buyers.  Why even bother with a gallery show?
  • Creative actors, actresses, and musicians can showcase their talent with nothing but an internet connection and a Flip camera.  There’s no more need to audition, simply publish and promote.
  • Revolutions are beginning in countries around the world, organized using freely available tools like Twitter and Facebook.
So with the exception of highly regulated industries with strict rules about what can and cannot be said, promised or inferred, you are free to become a content creator and you are free to publish.  You have our permission.  If you want to make a promotional video, make one.  If you want to advertise, do it!  If you need to provide better customer service, add this option.  And if you need our help, we’d be glad to help you as well.
One of the things that we do is help companies become publishers.  The tools are all there, we just help you understand how to use them.

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