Lots of people are at work for 40 hours, but most don’t work for 40 hours.

Some people are at work for more than 40 hours, and they are grinding away, actually working more than 40 hours.

Until you track your time, it’s hard to see how much you actually work…but once you see how much you actually work, it helps to know that the time was well spent.

I wonder, in this world, as people put in the time, how many people are actually happy and satisfied with the work they do? How many people look forward to the 40 (or more) hours per week? And how many are just hoping to skate by, avoid a challenge, and collect a paycheck?

What about you?  Do you love what you do?  Do you feel connected to it?  Do you feel challenged and inspired?  Or is work just where you go to do just enough to collect that paycheck, so you can go enjoy life?

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