We should look at the traditional rules and norms of journalism and reintroduce them as part of how social media should operate.
YOU are part of the media.
However, you can’t just say whatever you want and call it news or journalism. In the past they had names for that. That’s editorial at best, and yellow journalism, gossip, or propaganda, at worst.
Let’s do better.
Start by checking your sources (Uncle Rick is not a source, check his source). Even better, have multiple sources who can corroborate.
This should go without saying but, don’t knowingly mislead people. That means you should disclose your interests, and that includes ads. (I’m looking at you “influencers”)
If you make a mistake, post a retraction and an apology.
We cannot hold “the media” accountable if we don’t do our part. We’re part of the media now. Tweets are shown on TV, some YouTubers have greater reach than MSNBC or Fox.
I think it’s time that we, as social media professionals, do a much better job and set an example.