I’ve noticed I function better after I get a good night’s sleep.

When I stay up late, then wake up early I’m far less productive, far less focused, and have trouble finding momentum.

I’ve noticed that sleeping on a big decision makes it easier to manage the next day.

I recently found myself frustrated with a handful of people. Rather than emailing them while I’m in a mood, I decided to sleep on it. Not surprisingly, our conversations went more smoothly.

I’ve noticed that my mood is greatly improved when I’m well rested.

I’m irritable when I’m sleepy. I have less patience. I’ll bet you do too.

Give hustle culture a break

Work hard but don’t forget to recharge. Your body needs sleep more than your ego needs to brag about not sleeping.

Shameless plug

True Voice Media is working with a newly launched brand called Nuvanna which has designed a supremely comfortable mattress and will be delivering great content about how to live a balanced life. We’re producing a ton of content, so check it out, and don’t forget to subscribe: nuvanna.com

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