Just because they are loud, doesn’t mean they are smart, and just because they post all the time, doesn’t mean it’s any good.  

Just because they said the same thing that someone else said, doesn’t mean they thought of it, or understand it.

The web has become the ideal breeding ground for narcissists and parrots.

People readily regurgitate 101 level learnings scraped from the research and critical thinking of others, pass it off as their own and sell it to the highest bidder that doesn’t know any better, or bombard our newsfeeds.

Surface level understanding and high frequency drown out thoughtful, well researched articles, published at the right time.

We’ve been racing to the bottom, and sometimes it looks like we’re almost there.

The fallacy of the web is that we don’t see the best, most intelligent, or most valuable first.  Instead we see the loudest first, and assume those that show up the most must know something.

As a result, too many mistake the shallow ideas for substance. We gravitate towards what we can most easily understand, and make the assumption that if the content is delivered with conviction, and frequency, that there must be depth behind it.

There is little courage in those that are constantly self promotional and only an inch deep.  Don’t be like that.

If you want to be built to last, you really only need one thing :

Give a shit!

  • Care enough to do more than the minimum.
  • Care enough to never be satisfied.
  • Care enough to put your customers before yourself…EVERYTIME!
  • Care enough to highlight others more than yourself.
  • Care enough to be humble, willing to be wrong, and willing to learn.
  • Care enough to put yourself out there and do something personal and meaningful…to be vulnerable.
  • Care enough to follow people worth following, not just those that keep showing up.

You are helping to shape this web by what you do, and who you pay attention to…is it what you want it to be?

Today’s Assignment: Go unfollow between 5-10 shitty blogs/people/companies.  Go find 5-10 new awesome blogs/people/companies to follow.

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