If your watch closely there’s a hot new app

…just like there was last month

…and the month before

…and the month before

If you look closely, only a handful of people succeed chasing the new bright shiny object.

Most of those had already “made it”  so the success was built on top of an existing network, existing awareness, and existing success.

The other success stories are the outliers: the people discovered because of their ability to consistently make clever 6-second videos on Vine, the Snapchat phenoms, and that one guy who made $20 on Tsu.

In any scenario, when you look at the true influencers, the ones who really make a difference, they find a thing and commit to it.

They rarely jump from thing to thing instead opting to put their time and effort into a few channels and doing it well.

They push past the learning curve instead of hopping on trends.

Stay on track. Make a difference. Let others chase the lights.

Today’s assignment: Write down the two channels or tactics you want to focus on.  Plan to work on those first before chasing any new shiny objects.

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