Aside from a cold shower in the middle of summer when you’re covered in sweat and dying to cool off, we can all agree that a cold shower is an uncomfortable and jarring experience.

If you were forced to take an ice cold shower, and stay in there for 15 minutes, you would be quite uncomfortable. But over the course of the 15 minutes, you’d probably adapt and settle in. It certainly wouldn’t continue to be as intense as the first blast of cold water hitting your face, and it is highly unlikely that it would kill you.

Cold showers are wonderful metaphor for life.

There are so many things in life that are uncomfortable. We hate every second of it, we want it to be over, to return to the comfort and safety of our warm bed. But, it won’t kill us. And it’s often been said that “what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger.”

The next time you are confronted with adversity, or something truly uncomfortable, think of it like a cold shower: it won’t last forever, it’s a little uncomfortable, but it won’t kill you.

When you see that most things are simply uncomfortable, but not life threatening, why not confront it head on, push through the discomfort, and get where you’re going faster?

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