I’ve recently posted some tweets that aroused some concern and stimulated some conversation about the value of sleep.

Let me be clear: I do sleep.  I do take time off.  But I also work to out hustle everyone.

I’m not trying to glorify busy.  I’m not an advocate for skipping sleep.  I’m just sharing what I’m doing.


Here’s why…

I’m 33 years old, and for all of my activity, I’m just reaching the tipping point. The momentum is building but there’s plenty of work to be done.

Every year I get more tired, but every year I work harder.  I do this so that one day I can retire and be totally comfortable doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.  Now is the time for me to work hard, to trade in 3 or 4 hours of sleep 1 or 2 nights per week in order to build pipelines of passive income, in order to help more people, and in order to increase my chances of success.

Do I work until 3am several nights per week.  You bet your ass I do, and I’m willing to bet my competitors don’t.

Do I take on too many projects?  Probably.  But I’m willing to bet  it’ll pay off more than having the situation of figuring out what to do with my “free time.”

Sometimes I work long, late hours because I’m overloaded with tasks and I’m hustling.  Other nights, I turn in early, watch a few episodes of Archer or Dr. Who and call it a night.

Last night I stopped work at 6:00 and went out for drinks.  I came home, walked Emma and went to bed.  Sleep cycle data provided below.
My sleep analysis from last night

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