Ok people listen up, I’m only gonna say this once….Chill the F- Out!!!!!

I don’t trust Facebook either but people are getting out of control.  I think Facebook should’ve stayed closed off.  It was a nice place to share pictures of your kids without needing to know anything beyond who you are friends with to know who sees it.  Now you need to understand privacy settings and it’s not the same and all that.  And people are upset about the direction Facebook is taking us in whether we want it or not…but now we’re just getting insane about it.  Take this site: Profile Watch 

Here’s my privacy profile:

I got a 4.9/10.  According to this scale, a 10 would mean that I am “safe”.  Have these people lost their minds?  
Currently I’m not “safe” because I’m sharing the following information on Facebook: 

My website, which is completely open to the world 
My twitter profile,  which is completely open to the world 
My Tumblr,  which is completely open to the world 
The fact that I like Pink Floyd, the Spider-man trilogy and Thundercats.

How does that information make me in any way unsafe?  Have we lost sight of the fact that the whole purpose of these sites is to SHARE?!!?!?

I’m not trying to defend Facebook, I think they are shady and I don’t trust them, but privacy is ultimately up to you and what you share.  But please for the love of God don’t take someone else’s word for what “safe” should mean.  You determine what you are comfortable sharing.  Do I think you should be more careful on Facebook now?  Of course!  But that doesn’t mean that if you share anything you are unsafe.  

Relax people.

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