Somedays you wake up and you’re just NOT “feelin’ it.”  It doesn’t matter how much you’re being paid, it doesn’t matter how much you love the work, it doesn’t matter how strong the coffee is, you just don’t feel like doing it.

That’s ok.

It happens.

However, consider this: someone out there is working at Starbucks.  Nothing wrong with that…I LOVE Starbucks. (No, really, I’m a serious brand advocate)

So let’s back up and rephrase: someone out there is working at Starbucks, and they have more than 100k in student loan debt and a law degree.

If you are lucky enough to have a career, doing something that you once loved to do, maybe it’s time to consider how lucky you are?

This is similar to how I deal with the feeling of hunger.  Whenever I feel like uttering the phrase “I’m starving” I’m reminded that there are people who are REALLY starving, and that maybe I should be grateful for what I have; I’m just a little hungry.

LOVE the work.  It could always be worse.

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