I work more hours now than I ever have before in my entire life.  Typically I’m doing something work-related 6 or 7 days per week, and I’m in the 55-70 hour range.  I’m not saying this to brag, or to complain.  I’m just setting up the story.  I’ll say that I’m no fan of workaholism.  I think taking a break is a full on necessity.  I don’t envy or typically have any greater respect for those that “burn the midnight oil” or stay late.

So how did I end up here?

On the one hand, I’m getting older and naturally as my career progresses, I should have more responsibility and I should be working on bigger more time-consuming tasks.  But it’s more than that.

Working for myself means that there is no one breathing down my neck (I guess clients could to a certain extent, but it’s different than a “boss”).  So technically there is nothing (no one) compelling me to work these long hours, take on these extra projects, create passive income streams, and blog.  One could argue that I do it for the money, but as any entrepreneur will tell you, that’s not the motivation and a paycheck is often the safer financial move.

Every entrepreneur (that I know) is motivated by something else, potentially bigger and deeper.

For some, it’s creating a legacy (ego: “I built that, I’m immortal”), or changing something in the world that is broken or could be improved (also partly ego: “I fixed/created/disrupted that, they’ll write about me, I’m immortal”), or it could just be building and working in the kind of work environment they’d want to work in themselves (definitely ego…”I can’t work for ANYONE else”).

If I’m being honest, I’m a little of all three, and yes there’s definitely an ego component to it.  I was never motivated inside of someone else’s company, because truthfully my ego was never satisfied with the limitations.

I started this company because I want to build something extraordinary: An agency that is part of a movement to change the face of business. I’m starting in Philadelphia with plans of expanding across the country to help businesses create win-win situations with every opportunity by operating in a connected, open and socially responsible way. Employees are more engaged and respected, customers are listened to, appreciated and delighted, and the business thrives while simultaneously doing the right thing.  I want to do all of this on my own terms, where I’m free to try anything and do anything without asking permission.

So that’s why I work so hard, because it’s all about me doing something I can be proud of that makes the world better…that idea makes me feel good and as a result, work makes me feel good…so I keep doing it.

Why do you work hard?

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