I just read this article about HTML 5:


The one thing that stuck out at me wasn't how great this technology is.  It wasn't how new technologies improve our web experiences.  And it wasn't a sense of anger at Apple for not including Flash on their various mobile device, though that fact comes up constantly in this article.

No, what I am left with after reading this is that all those people out there who think that the blue "E" on their desktop is the internet are sadly uninformed and it's ruining it for the rest of us.  So go out, tell you friends and family to stop using Internet Explorer.  Stop dragging 5-10 years behind.  Embrace advancements in technology.  It's the same people who right now are using Office 2003 and Windows XP and think why change, this works "just fine?"  

Maybe it's the early adopter in me.  Maybe it's the gadget-obsession.  Maybe it's just that I'm a HUGE nerd.  But I can't stand that Internet Explorer in all it's futility and all it's aversion to full standards compliance is STILL the most used browser on the market.  I don't really blame people, because most really don't know any better.  So it's you job to spread the word.  With your help, maybe we can get a better web experience!

Posted via email from To the Point…

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