At IBM Connect last week, Bryan Kramer remarked that there is no more B2B or B2C, it’s H2H (Human-to-Human).

Jay Baer recently wrote a post about how social media platforms are beginning to favor the media over the social.

It’s their job

Bottom line is this, companies are going to seek to monetize every interaction they can.

They will seek to sell every inch of whitespace for advertisements.

They will continue to make it about business.

Guess what?  That’s their job!

So what’s our job?

It’s our job to be bigger and better than that by being social human beings.

Get wrapped up in people. Connect with them. Appreciate them. Love them. Help them.

They are not the means to an end, they are everything.

You’d be shocked at how much easier and satisfying it is to do business with people than with computers.

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