I don’t love every post I write on here. In fact, I look back on some and wonder “what I was really trying to communicate?”

It’s the posts that feel scattered, or leave me feeling like “so what?”

But if I were to only hit publish when everything felt perfect, I might never hit publish at all. There’s always something left unsaid, or a better way to phrase something, or a little deeper I could go.

I surround myself with sayings and mantras in my home and my office. I do this because it serves to remind me of the type of person I want to be, the way I want to look at the world.

One of them says:

“Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be silent if no birds sang except the best”

Another reminds me “Don’t be afraid to fail” complete with examples of amazing individuals and the failures they overcame.

I don’t expect to always say something important because I’m just happy that I sometimes say something that’s important. However I’m fairly certain of this, if I didn’t write the crappy posts, I could never write the ones that make an impact on someone.

Keep going and don’t worry too much about the times you didn’t hit the mark, there’s always tomorrow, and if there isn’t, at least you gave it a shot.

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