There are two types of companies using social media in business: those that have gotten results and those that haven’t.

To illustrate the difference, let’s take a moment out of the day for story time.



A story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning.

“…but I’m not losing the weight.”

So you’ve got this membership to a gym and you’ve been paying the $50 per month.  You go…once in a while.  Every couple of weeks you say “I’m going to start going to the gym more regularly, it’s time to start losing some of this weight.”  So you make a commitment to going to the gym 3-4 times per week and eating healthier.

You get up early the next morning, put on your shorts and tank top and head for the gym.  You go to the gym, you exert yourself, and get home 30 minutes later, sweaty and feeling great.  Tomorrow rolls around, you are tired and sore.

“I just went yesterday, I’ll take today off.”   At lunch time, you eat that bacon cheeseburger you’ve been craving, because “hey, I’ve earned it.”

The next day rolls around, and you’re just too busy to go to the gym, “I’ll go tomorrow.”  This goes on for days until eventually, you almost forget that you even have the gym membership.

A few weeks go by, no gym, no change in eating habits and you get on the scale wondering why you aren’t losing weight.  Even though you are paying $50 per month and have a gym membership, you aren’t getting the results.

The gym can’t make you lose weight

Only setting aside the time, going to the gym, and exercising will help you lose weight.  Some people can do it on their own, some need a trainer to tell them what exercises to do, what machines to use, what to eat and why.

If you aren’t creating new habits, you are bound to stay on the same path, getting the same results.

As with anything, what you put into it, is what you get out of it.

If you don’t put in the work, you can’t expect the results.

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