The concept of an identity is so interesting to me.

There is a story we are telling ourselves–and others–about who we are through thoughts, memories, behaviors, and preferences. The way we act tells others a story about us; as do the clothes we wear, the style of haircut we have, and the brands we support.

In the digital space, we often talk about the ability to curate our own story through the selection of what we share. By only sharing the wild parties, amazing meals, and epic vacations online, are we really presenting the whole story or just the version of ours lives that we want people to see?

But how different is this from the physical world? In all matters of identity, online or offline, aren’t we always constantly choosing what we do and don’t share, what things we like, what stories to tell about amazing meals, vacations or experiences?

I think when the conversation for “authenticity” online comes up, or the argument that what you see online is a curated version of someone’s life, I think it’s worth remembering that ALL of life is curated. We all try to paint the best picture, and those that don’t will likely tell the same story online.

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