This is my first video post.
Please pardon my constant shifting at the beginning of the video,  I was a little over-caffeinated and fidgety.  This video was inspired by a couple skaters that caught my attention.

I posted this video on YouTube last night and it autoposted to my Tumblog which autoposted to Facebook and I got a few comments, one of which I’d like to share with you all.  This is from Josh Wright who is one of the most naturally talented computer geeks I’ve ever met.  He is constantly an invaluable resource for me.  Follow him on Twitter @bikr

Here’s what he said about this video, I couldn’t have said it better myself:

“Another thing a kick flip has to do with content creation.. No one can teach you how to do it by showing you, or telling you.. You can tell people the basics, but until you get on there and feel what happens when you slide your foot back and your other foot off the back side of your board, you really have no idea how to do it.. 🙂

I think the same thing goes with content creation, until you start producing, and getting your hands dirty so to speak, you have no idea how to do it.. “

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