The smaller the group, the better chance that one individual can step up and be thought “the smartest in the group.”

When the selection of possible partners is smaller, the more attractive each potential mate becomes.

The internet changes everything.

“I’ve seen that exact snowflake before”

Now your most profound thoughts are indexed, categorized and searchable, along side dozens, or hundreds, possibly even thousands just like it.

It doesn’t take long to realize that the same advice is recirculated.

We’re collectively banging away at our keyboards trying to influence one another with a marginally different version of the same message someone else is peddling.

So you have two options:

  • Run away from it and try to find a truly original idea to talk about
  • Accept it and have the courage to talk about it in your own way

I may not be the smartest guy in the room. I may not be the most handsome (but I might be). I may not be the most profitable. I may not have the largest audience. But I love writing here and I want you to know that each and every one of you that reads this blog, even once, is appreciated beyond measure.

And if you’ve been reading for a while but have never introduced yourself, please do it today either in the comments or via email: [email protected]

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