I try not to every write just for the sake of doing it. I have plenty of other tasks requiring my attention.

Most of the time, I write here when an idea gets stuck in my head and I just can’t let go of it until I’ve written about it. That’s the reason I write, but what matters most is the reaction it causes in you.

I could write all of these thoughts in a private journal, but instead I put ideas out in public. The intent is to inspire you to think about things, and to create meaningful dialogue.

I try to always ask myself the Seth Godin question “would people miss you if you were gone?” I know from my last hiatus that some people did and with the return of this blog that some people were happy to see new posts. I always want this to be a place on the Internet that people can relate to.

But to me, this blog is a no brainer in that I know it has a purpose. Today’s exercise is examining what sort of things I’m doing “just for the sake of doing it.”

Phrased differently: “what can I give up that is not bringing me value in my life?”

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