I just got done reading this article …and much like everything published or syndicated by a Rupert Murdoch-owned company, it made me mad.
This article basically craps on Philadelphia for about 500 words.  Now I’ll be the first to admit that growing up in New York can give you a certain feeling of superiority in some ways. I grew up on Long Island and moved to Philly when I was 18.  It took about 6 years for me to stop talking smack about this city.  I would say things like: “Philadelphia is nothing compared to NYC” and “there’s no good public transportation,” “Can I get a decent bagel or slice of pizza” and all sorts of negative comments.  Then one day it hit me.


There’s something about Philadelphia that New Yorkers can never get from the outside.  New Yorkers have this NY mentality as if the world revolves around Manhattan, and in some ways it does but there’s nothing worse than the arrogance of that mentality.  It diminishes everything that is NOT New York.  While I still admire NYC and get goosebumps when I step off the train, it’s not the center of the universe.

Philadelphia has a wonderful arts scene, with great music and theater events.  It’s not sure we don’t have the MoMa or Carnegie Hall or Broadway, but that doesn’t mean Philadelphia’s not any good.  Philadelphia trumps New York hands down in it’s connection with this country’s history.  Liberty Bell?  Constitution Center?  Elfritz Alley? Betsy Ross house?

New Yorkers talk down on our restaurants as if food were invented in NY.  Philadelphia has a great restaurant scene…trust me, I was a personal chef for a while, and I know food, this city has great places to eat, so CAN IT New Yorkers about the food!  We don’t all eat Cheesesteaks every night for dinner.  Try Osteria, or Vetri, or any of the Steven Starr restaurants or Le Bec Fin or Lacroix…so knock off the arrogance just because you have a few restaurants that charge $450 per plate.

Now to the crux of the article…our fans.  You want to knock Philly’s fans, go ahead, do you really think that we care?  We threw snowballs at Santa, you’re damn right we’re terrible fans, but you can bet that New York teams would kill for fans as rabid as they are in Philly.  Teams don’t like coming to Philly, it’s uncomfortable.  But if you New Yorkers want to rip on Philadelphia fans, why not first turn your attention to the fair-weather fans in your own city.  Before the Yankees started buying championships in ’96 how many Yankees hats did you see?  Not many.  Most of you Bronx Bombers chumps only bothered to show up after the team started winning and now you have man crushes on Derek Jeter like he invented baseball.  Philly fans have been and will always be there for their team.  We show up in the rain, sleet and snow to cheer on our teams.  There’s more heart in Philly…FACT.

New York is a great city, no denying it.  It may even be the greatest city in many ways, but that doesn’t make Philadelphia worthless.  I’ve been here 11 years and man do I love this city.  What Philly lacks in GQ clothing it makes up for in comfort.  What it lacks in excess, it makes up for in character.

The Phillies are gonna put the hurtin’ on those Yankees…no steroids included and maybe it’ll quiet those big mouths.

Posted via email from To the Point…

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