Everyday I look at blog posts and I learn something new. My Google Reader is literally busting with great content. I look at my Twitter feed and I learn something new. I've met people on Twitter who have shared with me their experience and ideas.
I feel lucky that I have access to all of it. I do all of this and I get so much from it.
To the internet,
Thank you for existing and providing me with news, information, entertainment, gaming and more. My professional development has grown in leaps about bounds by way of the access you've given me to ideas and thoughts of people in all corners of the globe–if the globe had corners that is.
You've improved my ability to communicate, especially over great distance. Friends that live time zones away now are a mouse click away.
Sure, at times I wonder if you make me dumber, and at times, yes, I do feel dumber–YouTube binge anyone? There is a certain mind melting effect that too much time online has on the brain. That's why it's important to know when it's time to unplug.
You have given companies no place to hide, so now the only way to operate is out in the open and with integrity.
Overall you have improved my life and given me the ability to find the information I seek at a moment's notice. So for this, thank you, I feel lucky to have grown up getting to know you.