What are the best social media measurement tools?

The answer to that changes depending on what needs to be measured and what sites we’re talking about.  Here are a few suggestions:

The best paid tools for social listening, search and analysis:

  1. Sysomos
  2. Brandwatch
  3. UberVu

There are other paid tools, but those are my top 3 recommendations.

There are also some great free tools for listening, search and analysis.

  1. Twitter search
  2. Social Mention
  3. Topsy

When it comes to measuring conversions and results, Google Analytics is often the best tool.  Conversions typically don’t happen ON social media, but rather occur once a visitor is brought from a social site to the website.  In those cases, website analytics like Google Analytics are the best way to measure what happens.

Twitter analytics, Facebook Insights, Pinterest analytics, Linkedin analytics all provide some great data that can be used to make educated decisions moving forward.

Curalate can help manage and measure the effectiveness of Instagram and Pinterest.

Social Bro can analyze your followers and tell you the best time to post on Twitter.

The list is virtually endless, but this is a good starting point.

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