Every situation can be seen in a number of different ways.

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”  -Winston Churchill

The next time the to-do list gets too long and the stress in your life piles up too high, stop and yell “reboot.”

Picture your entire perspective shutting down and starting fresh. Come back and look at the same situation, but reverse your perspective; look for the opportunity rather than the difficulty.

Consider how instead of feeling crushed by the weight of it, you can be lifted by the possibility of what’s to come.

Sure, some of you might read this and think it sounds like advice from some crystal-wearing new age hippie, but keep in mind that I am telling you to literally yell “Reboot!” as you do this, which should help this feel a little more ridiculous, and a little less new age.

Go on, try it, what’s the harm? Worst case scenario you’re right back where you started.

Best case, you look at the world through an entirely new set of eyes, one where everything is going to be alright.

You are what you say you are. What do you say you are?

Today’s Assignment: Use the hashtag #Reboot to talk about something you need to see through new eyes.

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