Who are the most interesting speakers on social media topics in the U.S?
There are a handful of extraordinary speakers that I’ve seen speak, either live or via the web. Aside from the obvious: Jeff Gibbard (me)… some of my favorites are listed below (in no particular order):
- Gary Vaynerchuk
- Jay Baer
- Chris Brogan
- Mitch Joel
- Marcus Nelson
- Ted Rubin
- Shel Holtz
- Derek Halpern
- Jason Falls
- Christopher Penn
- Lynette Young
- Frank Eliason
- Scott Stratten
Marcus Sheridan also put together a good post on this subject: http://www.thesaleslion.com/best-social-media-speakers-reviews/
I’ve never seen Marcus speak, but I’ve heard that it’s fantastic.
Here is a list of people who I follow online that I’m sure would make amazing speakers, though I’ve never seen them personally:
- Michael Brito
- Amber Naslund
- Jeremiah Owyang
- Mari Smith
- Tom Webster
- Peter Shankman
PS. If I left anyone out, please feel free to add them to the comments section.