This week I’ve come to understand that you get out, what you put in.
It’s hard to provide certainty that results will happen.
It’s hard to make a promise about opportunities that will randomly appear.

Last week I got a tweet in the middle of the day from someone that I’d met in person and I keep in touch with over twitter, @gloriabell. She let me know the Jeff Pulver (@jeffpulver) was having a contest for free tickets to the 140 conference in NYC. I wound up winning and I’m now going to the 140 conference for the cost of a bus pass and a hotel room.

How can I tell a client to plan for things like that. How can I convey the idea that being a part of a community can lead to opportunity?

What if this leads to a conversation with Jeff Pulver, that leads to me speaking at a 140 conference, that leads to greater notoriety, that leads to…you get my point. There is no way to plan for things like this. I just keep in touch with good people online. We help each other, we kee each other in mind. We refer opportunities to each other.

It’s hard to explain the value of social media and social networking when so much of it is intangible…until it happens.

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