There’s no denying it, I am a busy guy.  But I’m trying hard not to be part of the “culture of busy.”  It looks like this:

“Hey man, how have you been?”

“Crazy busy.”

“Oh, that’s great, me too.  So busy!”

“Yeah, things are nuts”

“Yeah, I, like, never sleep”

“Sleep?  What’s that?!”

I think we all feel busy nowadays and we probably all take actions that directly lead to being busy.

It’s tough to relax when our faces are always in our phones, we’re always talking about work, we’re always checking inboxes…we’re always ON!  It’s exhausting.

I love the work that I do, so having that work to do is exciting to me, “the busy” is good.  It gets bad when we start wearing it like a badge of honor rather than keeping it in check (like we should).

I think I’m trading in “BUSY” for “Productive and Relaxed.”

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